Danny W. Gnewikow, PhD, FAAA
Audiologist, CCC
Founder & Chief Audiologist


Danville, VA
(434) 799-6288

Lynchburg, VA
(434) 528-4245

Educational Videos & Blog

Love Your Heart, Test Your Hearing
Danny Gnewikow

Love Your Heart, Test Your Hearing

4 heart-healthy reasons to get a hearing test:

1.    Research points to heart-hearing health link.  Research shows a correlation between cardiovascular and hearing health. Specifically, the negative influence of impaired cardiovascular health on both the peripheral and central auditory system—and the potential positive influence of improved cardiovascular health on these same systems—have been found through a sizable body of research.

2.    The ear may be a window to the heart. Some experts find the evidence showing a link between cardiovascular and hearing health so compelling that they say the ear may be a window to the heart. They encourage collaboration between hearing care providers, cardiologists, and other healthcare professionals. Some even call on hearing care professionals to include cardiovascular health in patient case history and to measure their patients’ blood pressure.

3.    The same lifestyle behaviors that affect the heart impact hearing.  Research shows that a higher level of physical activity is associated with lower risk of hearing loss in women.  In addition, smokers and passive smokers are more likely to suffer hearing loss.  Lastly, regular fish consumption and higher intake of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are associated with lower risk of hearing loss in women.

4.    Addressing hearing loss improves quality of life, helps reduce stress.  Eight out of 10 hearing aid users say they’re satisfied with the changes that have occurred in their lives due to their hearing aids. Many say they see improvements in their life overall, in interpersonal relationships, and that they experience reduced anger and frustration, and enhanced emotional stability.

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